Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I am a little obsessed with book page banners.  Anything book pages I love.  When attempting to make a new Patriotic Banner for Memorial Day & the Fourth of July I thought what a better book page than the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution!

So here it is for you!  You can simply print, cut, glue and hang!  I used jute but ribbon or lace would also be perfect.  I glued mine to the front, you may choose to glue it to the back.  I am also considering rolling or wrinkling my pages because they are a little stiffer than the typical book pages I use.

Hope you enjoy!  Happy 4th of July!

Just download the image. (Right click on the image, save as, then print)  You can import it to Word or another program and shrink them to add a smaller banner to your wreath too. ;)